

Shabbat and the Festivals: Journey and Destination


The rhythm of Jewish life is set by Shabbat and the Festivals. Each Festival relives a fundamental episode in the history of the Jewish people; Shabbat gives a foretaste of the world that history is building. Shabbat is a basic component of our identity, and understanding Shabbat and the Festivals is the key to the most important question of all: what is the purpose of life?

This book addresses that question through a deep exploration of the themes running through time, through the weekdays building Shabbat and the seasons and the centuries marked by the Festivals building a future world of perfection.

The flow of time marked by Shabbat and the Festivals is the story of our lives, a story of Journey and Destination.


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Israel: Yehuda Dombey – 050-86-444-22


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