E1: Tisha B’Av – Destruction of the Mind
Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz · Tisha B’Av – Destruction of the Mind
E1: Ten Commandments: Introduction and Faith
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E1: Principles of Jewish Wisdom
Traces some of the Torah themes that express the duality of the world: the physical, outer layer and its inner root and demonstrates their parallels.
E1: The Root of Evil
Traces some of the Torah themes that express the duality of the world: the physical, outer layer and its inner root and demonstrates their parallels.
E2: Torah – The Cause of Reality
Traces some of the Torah themes that express the duality of the world: the physical, outer layer and its inner root and demonstrates their parallels.
E03: Pesach and Speech
E3: Rosh Hashana and Freedom of Will
Akiva Tatz · Rosh Hashana & Freedom of Will
E3: Speech and the Five Levels
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E3: Chumash and the Pattern of Five
Traces some of the Torah themes that express the duality of the world: the physical, outer layer and its inner root and demonstrates their parallels.
E4: History of the Oral Law
Traces some of the Torah themes that express the duality of the world: the physical, outer layer and its inner root and demonstrates their parallels.
E5: Introduction to Gemara
Traces some of the Torah themes that express the duality of the world: the physical, outer layer and its inner root and demonstrates their parallels.